The Playlist of Destiny




Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Post With No Political Knowledge

Sometimes people say stuff on assemblies that are actually worth listening to. Last Thursday, our Head of Sports got up to tell us a story about a Japanese Karate guy.

This guy wanted to be the best at Karate, so he went to a dojo and spoke to the master. "I want to be the best at Karate," he said. "I'll train my hardest. How long will it take to be the best?"

"10 years." said the master.

"That's too long!" exclaimed the student. "I'll train twice as hard then, how long will it take?"

"20 years." replied the master.

"How come the harder I train, the longer it will take?" asked the student.

The master replied, "That is because if you have one eye in the future, you have only one eye on the present."

Perhaps some good Malaysia's new government should take notice of.

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