The Playlist of Destiny




Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Post That Got Pawned


So, played chess today for my house. Usual chess player, Karo, left to HK last Sunday so someone had to step in. Why not another Asian? Here comes Jon, up to Board 1 to do Kaiser proud.

Yeah... Nobody told them that not all Asians are good at chess. I did, however, win ONE game. Out of six. 2 of which were against the top guns of chess in our school. Lost to them in about... 30 seconds? Yeah... I'm not gonna play chess ever again. I can't spoil my reputation any further.

Connie arrived today. She's gonna be my date for the formal, which is tomorrow (Friday) night. It's good to see her again, and she gave me a dog-tag with "BEST FR13ND" on it. It's cute. All I've got for her is a seashell I picked up at Surfers =P.

Whoo! It's the end of the term already. 1 semester down, one more to go. Year's gone by pretty quick, as it always does. It's good though, next year will be a whole new experience.

WHEE! WON ONE GAME OF CHESS! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!! Kaiser came 10th by the way.

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