The Playlist of Destiny




Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Post That Got Shocked By The Lightning

As I type this post out, I am TOP OF THE FANTASY PREMIER LEAGUE TABLE!!!!!!! One of my three teams, Thongster FC, has managed to knock Alvinz off the number one spot after a brilliant weekend. Therefore, I am an incredibly happy little Malaysian boy.

It's been awhile since my last post, maybe a month or so has passed. I've had my exams, and then holidays and then insane partying. Well, only 3 parties... but drank a bit too much and so the cough is back. It's worrying me a bit, this cough. I'll live, I hope.

Last week I spent a few days in Melbourne to look at universities. Or university, rather. Was going to look at RMIT but didn't feel well enough. So I only saw Monash, and it looked like good stuff. However I'm hoping that I'll get the marks to allow me to enter (the) University of Melbourne.

Which leads me on nicely to mentioning, once again, that time is flying. There's one week left of our current holiday before term 4 starts. And there's only 5 weeks of learning to go before our exams, and 7 before our graduation. Well, naturally I can't wait, but there's a gut feeling inside of me that the last day of high school for us would be pretty tear-jerking.

But y'know... man the fuck up and get on with life.

Thongster FC - Top of the league!
Chelsea FC - Top of the league... again!

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